Canadian Forces Logistics Branch Handbook Of North

Serving in the Armed Forces has always been a popular career option. Electromagnetism. The reasons for joining are as varied as the individuals themselves. Many serve to be part of something larger than themselves and to do what they feel is their patriotic duty. Others do it for the higher education financial aid benefits, such as the Student Loan Repayment program, Post 9/11 GI Bill®, Tuition Assistance and Tuition Top-Up.

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  2. Royal Canadian Logistics Service 2019
  3. Cfltc Borden

Still others want to be on the cutting edge of technology or pursue something that is challenging and life-changing. Army Automobile Maintenance Warrant Officer (915A)This position is similar to a civilian Shop Foreman found in most automobile dealerships or large repair shops. In charge of a shop, the Maintenance Technician supervises a variety of technician specialists ensuring all aspects of equipment maintenance are performed to the military standard, including equipment recovery, repair parts ordering and stock-age, body and hull repair, welding, electronics, armament, production control and quality control. While the position is normally located on a post in a fixed facility (a building), it can also become mobile and provide support from a field environment. The grade of this position can be from a Warrant Officer 1 (WO1) to a Chief Warrant Officer 4 (CW4).


Military Logistics

Air Force PilotOf those who set out to become a pilot, few actually make it, but for those who do, they are the best of the best and are well on their way to having one of the most exciting careers in the military.Air Force pilots fly either fixed wing, such as bomber, fighter, tanker or cargo planes, or rotary wing (helicopter) aircraft. Some positions require pilots to also be Instructor Qualified, so they can refresh the skills of other pilots through periodic qualification flights.Potential pilots must first pass a Class I Flying Physical, pass rigorous testing and complete an Officer Commissioning course through a Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program, Branch Officer School or the Air Force Academy. In most cases, commissioning must occur before one’s 29th birthday and in flight school by his or her 30th birthday. The Navy and Marines also employ pilots.

Navy Flight SupportThis field has both officer and enlisted positions. Aviation Maintenance Duty Officers (AMDO) are Flight Support Supervisors who are responsible to ensure aircraft maintenance is performed correctly, provide operational support, and manage all material and manpower required so aircraft can fly.Enlisted members work under the supervision of an AMDO and are responsible for maintaining and operating aircraft catapult systems, along with ensuring landing gears, brakes and related systems work on some of the world’s most advanced aircraft. Work is normally performed on the flight deck under varied weather and environmental conditions.Flight Support is a critical position to ensure mission success. If planes on an aircraft carrier can’t fly, that carrier can’t project its military power from the air.

Royal Canadian Logistics Service 2019

Canadian Forces Logistics Branch Handbook Of North

Cfltc Borden

Marine Corps Military PoliceWhile all military branches have their own police, the ones in the Marines are some of the most active and well trained of all the branches. Under peacetime conditions, Marine policing activities are very similar to their civilian counterparts.Typical duties include military law enforcement, traffic control, security, crime prevention, intelligence gathering, and patrolling. Some Marine Corps Military Police pursue specialized training and go on to become dog handlers, which are used to sniff out explosives, drugs, and find people.This job is usually performed on a base; however, military police and dog handlers frequently deploy to combat zones. This usually ramps up the activity and danger levels by presenting new policing challenges.

Unlike civilian police officers, Marine Corps Military Police also serve as resettlement and interment officials. Coast Guard Boatswain Mate (BM)If there is a jack-of-all-trades in regard to seamanship, a BM is it. Individuals in this position must be able to do everything. From supervising deck maintenance, to small boat operations, navigation, and search and rescue (just to name a few), BMs are always there. They also have to know how to operate hoists, cranes, and winches and know how much of a load a rope or cable can safely support. A Boatswain Mate is a unique position in that they can become an officer-in-charge of a harbor tug, patrol boat, or cutter. Most Coast Guard personnel are stationed within the confines of the United States and its territorial waters.

Navy Nurse CorpDepending on the type of nurse (there are 15 types available), being a Navy Nurse is similar in nature to its civilian counterpart. For example, navy nurses check vitals, treat wounds, and manage triage. However, navy nurses can also be deployed and found administering infant vaccinations in developing countries, taking part in humanitarian relief efforts, or providing emergency care to natural disaster victims – tasks that are not normally found in civilian nursing.Job location can be in one of 250 medical facilities around the globe and could range from working aboard ship, in a naval hospital or clinic on a base, or in one of the three National Navy Medical Centers – Bethesda, MD, Portsmouth, VA or San Diego, CA. There is even opportunity to provide support to the Marines. Army LinguistLinguists are in high demand. So high that the Army pays up to $40,000 in an enlistment incentive and up to an additional $400 per month once trained in one of the following languages: Arabic Egyptian, Arabic Levantine, Chinese Mandarin, Persian Farsi, Arabic Modern Standard, and Pashto.Linguists fall into two general categories: Strategic and Tactical. Strategic Linguists work out of an office translating highly classified documents and information while Tactical Linguists work in a field environment talking to the local population, all the while gathering information.

To apply, applicants must be able to obtain a Top Secret security clearance. After serving a career in the Armed Forces, an individual could work for the FBI, CIA, National Security Agency or Homeland Security. Navy Operations SpecialistsMost OS positions are located at sea aboard ships, which means much time will be spent away from home. However with specialized training, some operations specialists function as combat air controllers and work aboard aircraft.The job usually consists of working in the combat information centers or combat direction centers on a ship’s bridge. Typically they operate radar, navigation and communications equipment, along with detecting and tracking other ships, aircraft and missiles.When underway, the job can be stressful and intense requiring quick thinking, the ability to make calculations on the fly, and to quickly determine the relevance to the mission of the massive amounts of information coming in.

In addition to the above skills, credentialing is a license or certification that shows the individual has the training and experience to perform a certain job in the civilian sector. Currently, there are over 105 jobs that can be credentialed in the Army alone. Credentialing is commonly found in the healthcare field, such as an x-ray technician, dental assistant, or Physician’s Assistant (PA). But it can also validate one’s expertise in operating commercial vehicles, thus making it easier to get a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) when transferring to the civilian sector. Working in a nuclear plant control room or having a computer-specific certification from a vendor, such as Cicso or Microsoft, are two other types of credentials that are valuable in the civilian world but can be obtained through military service depending on the job. Tools and TechnologyFrom vehicles, weapons, computers, planes, and everything in between, the Armed Forces are first in many cases to develop, test, and refine equipment and technology that is cutting edge, state-of-the-art, and not found anywhere else in the world.The military has many opportunities not found in the civilian sector. For instance, how many businesses use tanks in their line of work?

And, depending on the specific Armed Forces role, civilian careers utilize many tools and technologies that first started out as new technology in the military.Take Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for example. The military has been using the Predator and Shadow drones for years. Drones overhead in Iraq and Afghanistan were (and still are) flown from here in the United States.From that technology, we now have small drones that are being used for everything, from photographers taking low altitude photos of a house for a realtor, to Amazon using drones and GPS to deliver packages.