Dizzy Up The Girl Zippos

  1. Dizzy Up The Girl Zippos Lyrics

Goo Goo Dolls Best Blend of Pop & Rock to DateThis is clearly The Goo Goo Dolls largest commercial success, and with good reason. This album ended up being a very popular blend of the band's harder rock edge with more pop-oriented songs.

I have to give the band a lot of credit; I found songs like 'Black Balloon' and 'Broadway' to have deeper levels of meaning than their earlier songs. I've enjoyed this album since its original release. My only knock on 'Dizzy Up The Girl' is that in some ways it's a victim of its own success, as multiple songs on the album have been overplayed by radio stations across the U.S.A. This album is more than the individual hits it contains; listen all the way through the album yourself, & I'm sure you'll agree. Stick with their mellow stuffAlthough this Cd has three gems: Iris, Black Balloon, and Slide; the rest of the album is crude. The other songs are like ones from their earlier albums where they try to Rock but fail miserably.

This is a band that definantely needs to stick to ballads and slow lovey songs. At that they are great.

If you like their song 'Name' then I think you'll like Iris, Black Balloon and Slide. But stop there or you'll be dissappointed. I just wish someone would tell these guys they don't need to Rock out, that they're better lovers so to speak. Could It Be More Perfect?This cd is highly stylized. Everyone has heard and loved 'Iris', but you should check this cd out to hear more.


Each song is emotional and thought provoking. No group has more heart than the Goo Goo Dolls and the only way to top listening to their cds is to hear them live. I purchased this cd on eBay to have a second copy.


It is hard to keep them free of scratches when you listen to them so often. Now my original question was 'Could It Be More Perfect?' The answer is that Dizzy Up The Girl could not.

Dizzy Up The Girl Zippos Lyrics
