Download American Truck Simulator Softonic Software

Video review American Truck Simulator reviewAt the time of the game American Truck Simulator Free Download release, the game offered a choice of 4 types of trucks, and the player can choose only two at the initial stage. In addition, only 30 cities in California and Nevada are available to the player for delivery and receipt of goods at the beginning. Later the cities of Arizona appear in the game, and the add-on in 2017 adds the city of New Mexico.The gameplay is a combination of the driver's simulator and various elements of doing business. The amount of money earned in the game is paid according to the distance that was overcome and type of cargo. For earned money, player buys or upgrades his truck.

American Truck Simulator 2018

Download American Truck Simulator Softonic Software

It is also possible to hire other drivers for the delivery of goods or to rent a truck and to make deliveries independently. Drivers who were hired by the player improve their driving skills on their own, but the player can manually set the improvement of a certain driving skill.The main goal of a single game is to fulfill all the delivery tasks and develop your own cargo transportation company.