Ns Basic App Studio Serial Number

Contents.History NSB Corporation was founded by George Henne in 1993 to provide easy development tools for mobile devices; the manufacturers and licensors of the operating systems usually supply a -based tool aimed at highly skilled professional developers. NSB/AppStudio provides an alternative using the JavaScript or Basic programming language, similar to. Key developers include George Henne, Marcus Darden, James Kruth, Eric Pepke and Dan Rowley.As of 2019, NS Basic's tools are used by over three million developers in over 80 countries.Until 2019, NSB Corporation was known as NS BASIC Corporation.NSB/AppStudio AppStudio was released in December, 2010, it consists of an, a programming language and a deploy module. The IDE and programming language are modeled on 's. Two languages are supported for development: JavaScript and BASIC. Virtually the entire syntax is implemented; the runtime environment is based on, and: many of the features of the underlying technologies is exposed to the AppStudio environment. Programming can be done in Basic or JavaScript., and are fully integrated; the programs produced by AppStudio are.Apps install themselves as offline web applications, they can run on Apple's devices (, ) and devices running 2.1 or later.AppStudio can also be used to create apps which run on, and; the use of modules is supported.The latest version of AppStudio is 7.3.0, released in February 2019.Example code.

Is a dialect of, developed by and, supplied with the series of computers. It supersedes and is the BASIC in ROM in all Apple II series computers after the original Apple II model, it is referred to as FP BASIC because of the command used to invoke it, instead of INT for Integer BASIC. Applesoft BASIC was supplied by and its name is derived from the names of both Apple and Microsoft.

Apple employees, including, adapted Microsoft's interpreter for the Apple II and added several features; the first version of Applesoft was released in 1977 on tape and lacked proper support for high-resolution graphics. Applesoft II, made available on cassette and disk and in the ROM of the and subsequent models, was released in 1978, it is this latter version, which has some differences and support for the Apple II high-resolution graphics modes, synonymous with the term 'Applesoft.'

When wrote Integer BASIC for the Apple II, he did not implement support for floating point math because he was interested in writing games, a task for which integers alone were sufficient. In 1976, Microsoft had developed Microsoft BASIC, a BASIC interpreter for the, but at the time there was no production computer that used it. Upon learning that Apple had a 6502 machine, Microsoft asked if the company were interested in licensing BASIC, but replied that Apple had one; the Apple II was unveiled to the public at the in April 1977 and became available for sale in June. One of the most common customer complaints about the computer was BASIC's lack of capability. Integer BASIC is limited to whole numbers between −32768 and 32767 and caused problems for users attempting to write business applications with it.

Steve Wozniak had never added floating point capabilities to Integer BASIC as he did not consider them necessary for gaming and educational software, the two primary tasks he envisioned for the Apple II.As Wozniak—the only person who understood Integer BASIC well enough to add floating point features—was busy with the drive and controller and with Apple DOS, Apple turned to Microsoft. Making things more problematic was that the rival personal computer had a floating point-capable BASIC interpreter from the beginning; the Applesoft license saved Microsoft from near-bankruptcy when they licensed BASIC to Commodore for the PET in an agreement that proved unexpectedly costly for them. Apple obtained an eight-year license for Applesoft BASIC from Microsoft for a flat fee of $31,000, renewing it in 1985 through an arrangement that gave Microsoft the rights and source code for Apple's version of BASIC. Applesoft was designed to be with Integer BASIC and uses the core of Microsoft's 6502 BASIC implementation, which includes using the GET command for detecting key presses and not requiring any spaces on program lines. While Applesoft BASIC is slower than Integer BASIC, it has many features that the older BASIC lacks: Atomic strings: A string is no longer an array of characters.This allows for string arrays.

Is a group of several graphical operating system families, all of which are developed and sold. Each family caters to a certain sector of the computing industry. Active Windows families include. Defunct Windows families include. Microsoft introduced an operating environment named Windows on November 20, 1985, as a graphical operating system shell for in response to the growing interest in graphical user interfaces.

Microsoft Windows came to dominate the world's personal computer market with over 90% market share, overtaking, introduced in 1984. Apple came to see Windows as an unfair encroachment on their innovation in GUI development as implemented on products such as the Lisa. On PCs, Windows is still the most popular operating system. However, in 2014, Microsoft admitted losing the majority of the overall operating system market to, because of the massive growth in sales of Android.In 2014, the number of Windows devices sold was less than 25%. This comparison however may not be relevant, as the two operating systems traditionally target different platforms. Still, numbers for server use of Windows show one third market share, similar to that for end user use; as of October 2018, the most recent version of Windows for PCs, tablets and embedded devices is Windows 10. The most recent versions for server computers is.

A specialized version of Windows runs on the video game console. Microsoft, the developer of Windows, has registered several trademarks, each of which denote a family of Windows operating systems that target a specific sector of the computing industry; as of 2014, the following Windows families are being developed:: Started as a family of operating systems with Windows NT 3.1, an operating system for server computers and workstations. It now consists of three operating system that are released at the same time and share the same kernel: Windows: The operating system for mainstream personal computers and smartphones.The latest version is Windows 10. The main competitor of this family is by Apple for personal computers and Android for mobile devices. Windows Server: The operating system for server computers; the latest version is Windows Server 2019.

Unlike its client sibling, it has adopted a strong naming scheme; the main competitor of this family is.: A lightweight version of its Windows sibling, meant to operate as a live operating system, used for installing Windows on bare-metal computers, recovery or troubleshooting purposes; the latest version is Windows PE 10. Windows IoT: Initially, Microsoft developed as a general-purpose operating system for every device, too resource-limited to be called a full-fledged computer. However, Windows CE was renamed Windows Embedded Compact and was folded under Windows Compact trademark which consists of, Windows Embedded Professional, Windows Embedded Standard, Windows Embedded Handheld and.The following Windows families are no longer being developed: Windows 9x: An operating system that targeted consumers market.

Discontinued because of suboptimal performance. Microsoft now caters to the consumer market with Windows NT. Windows Mobile: The predecessor to Windows Phone, it was a mobile phone operating system; the first version was called 2000. The last version is Windows Mobile 6.5. Windows Phone: An operating system sold only to manufacturers of smartphones; the first version was Windows Phone 7, followed by, the last version Windows Phone 8.1. It was succeeded by; the term Windows collectively describes any or all of several generations of Microsoft operating system products.


These products are as follows: The history of Windows dates back to 1981, when Microsoft started work on a program called 'Interface Manager', it was announced in November 1983 under the name 'Windows', but Windows 1.0 was not released until November 1985.Windows 1.0 was to achieved little popularity. Windows 1.0 is not a complete operating system. The shell of Windows 1.0 is a program known as the.

Components included Calculator, viewer, Paint, and Write. Windows 1.0 does not allow overlapping windows. Instead all windows are tiled. Only modal dialog boxes may appear over other windows.

Sold as included Windows Development libraries with the C development environment, which included numerous windows samples. Windows 2.0 was released in December 1987, was more popular than its predecessor. It features several improvements to the user memory management. Windows 2.03 changed the OS from tiled windows to overlapping windows. The result of this change led to Apple Computer filing a suit against Microsoft alleging infringement on Apple's copyrights. Windows 2.0BASIC was the first dialect of BASIC, produced for the Atari ST line of computers. It was bundled with all new STs in the early years of the ST's lifespan, became the standard BASIC for that platform.

However, many users disliked it, improved dialects of BASIC came out to replace it. Commissioned to write a version of BASIC that would take advantage of the GEM environment on the Atari ST; this was based on a version written for called DR-Basic, bundled with DR's operating system. The result was called. At the time the ST was launched, ST BASIC was bundled with all new STs.

A further port of the same language called ABasiC ended up being supplied for a time with the, but Commodore replaced it with the Microsoft-developed; the user interface consisted of four windows. An edit-window in which one could enter the source code, a list-window where the entire source code could be browsed, a command/debug-window where instructions were entered that were executed, the output-window.However, the windows could only be selected with the mouse, this became cumbersome.

ST BASIC had many bugs. In September 1987 reported on one flaw that it described as 'among the worst BASIC bugs of all time'.

Typing x = 18.9 resulted in function not yet done System error #%N, please restart Similar commands, such as x = 39.8 or x = 4.725, crashed the computer. After citing other flaws the magazine recommended 'avoid ST BASIC for serious programming'. Regarding reports that MetaComCo was 'one bug away' from releasing a long-delayed update to the language, it jokingly wondered 'whether Atari has only one more bug to eliminate from ST BASIC or one more to add'; the low quality of ST BASIC opened up a market for third-party BASICs on the ST. FaST BASIC and were two of the first of these third-party BASICs to be released; as these BASICS were not free, a program written in one of these BASICs could only be listed and run if the user had that BASIC. However and run-time executables started to appear for these BASICs that produced code that could run on all STs, type-in programs became less fashionable, so there was no longer a need for a standard BASIC.By, Omikron BASIC and had appeared.

Some of these BASICs started to be bundled with new STs in the years. Understanding Atari ST BASIC Programming — by Tim Knight, copyright 1986, ISBN 0-89588-344-9 Atari ST BASIC Quick Reference Guide — by Atari, copyright 1986, revision A. ST BASIC Sourcebook and Tutorial — by Atari, copyright 1986, Revision Bis a developed by Canadian company for its line of handheld devices. The operating system provides and supports specialized input devices that have been adopted by BlackBerry for use in its handhelds the and most the and; the BlackBerry platform is best known for its native support for corporate email, through 1.0 and, more a subset of MIDP 2.0, which allows complete wireless activation and synchronization with, or email, tasks and contacts, when used with. The operating system supports WAP 1.2. Updates to the operating system may be automatically available from wireless carriers that support the BlackBerry over the air software loading service. Third-party developers can write software using the available BlackBerry API classes, although applications that make use of certain functionality must be digitally signed.Research from June 2011, indicated that 45% of mobile developers were using the platform at the time of publication.

BlackBerry OS was discontinued after the release of BlackBerry 10 in January 2013, however support for the older OS continued until the end of 2013; the BlackBerry 9720 runs a version of BlackBerry OS 7.1 with updates to the user interface, such as a new lock screen that lets you swipe to unlock the phone or access the camera, redesigned, Pictures and Phone apps. While BlackBerry Ltd. Develops and releases updated versions of its operating system to support each device, it is up to the individual carriers to decide if and when a version is released to its users. The following is a list of fonts that were included in some versions of BlackBerry: BBAlphaSans and BBAlphaSerif are based on the free software fonts. On September 27, 2010, BlackBerry Ltd. Announced a new unrelated QNX-based platform, to run on its released tablet computer.BlackBerry BlackBerry 10 Index of articles related to BlackBerry OS Usage share of operating systems Official website5 is a software that defines the properties and behaviors of web page content by implementing a markup based pattern to it.

HTML 5 is the fifth and current major version of the HTML standard, subsumes, it exists in two standardized forms: HTML 5.2 Recommendation by the, intended for Web content developers. There are minor conflicts between the two groups' specifications. HTML 5 was first released in public-facing form on 22 January 2008, with a major update and 'W3C Recommendation' status in October 2014, its goals are to improve the language with support for other new features. HTML 5 is intended to subsume not only HTML 4, but XHTML 1 and DOM Level 2 HTML. HTML 5 includes detailed processing models to encourage more implementations. For the same reasons, HTML 5 is a candidate for mobile applications, because it includes features designed with devices in mind. Many new syntactic features are included.

To natively include and handle multimedia and graphical content, the new, and elements were added, support for scalable vector graphics content and for mathematical formulas.To enrich the semantic content of documents, new page structure elements such as, are added. New attributes are introduced, some elements and attributes have been removed, others such as, have been changed, redefined, or standardized. The APIs and are now fundamental parts of the HTML 5 specification and HTML 5 better defines the processing for any invalid documents; the began work on the new standard in 2004. At that time, HTML 4.01 had not been updated since 2000, the World Wide Web Consortium was focusing future developments on XHTML 2.0.

In 2009, the W3C allowed the XHTML 2.0 Working Group's charter to expire and decided not to renew it. The and presented a position paper at a World Wide Web Consortium workshop in June 2004, focusing on developing technologies that are with existing browsers, including an initial draft specification of 2.0.The workshop concluded with a vote—8 for, 14 against—for continuing work on HTML. After the workshop, WHATWG was formed to start work based upon that position paper, a second draft, 1.0, was announced. The two specifications were merged to form HTML 5; the HTML 5 specification was adopted as the starting point of the work of the new HTML working group of the W3C in 2007. WHATWG's and produced W3C's first public working draft of the specification on 22 January 2008. While some features of HTML 5 are compared to, the two technologies are different. Both include features for playing audio and video within web pages, for using.

However, HTML 5 on its own cannot be used for animation or interactivity – it must be supplemented with. There are many Flash capabilities that have no direct counterpart in HTML 5. HTML 5's interactive capabilities became a topic of mainstream media attention around April 2010 after Apple Inc.' S then-CEO issued a public letter titled ' in which he concluded that 'Flash is no longer necessary to watch video or consume any kind of web content' and that 'new open standards created in the mobile era, such as, will win'.This sparked a debate in web development circles suggesting that, while HTML 5 provides enhanced functionality, developers must consider the varying browser support of the different parts of the standard as well as other functionality differences between 5 and Flash.

In early November 2011, announced that it would discontinue development of Flash for mobile devices and reorient its efforts in developing tools using HTML 5. On July 25, 2017, Adobe announced that both the distribution and support of Flash will cease by the end of 2020. On 14 February 2011, the W3C extended the charter of its with clear milestones for HTML 5. In May 2011, the working group advanced HTML 5 to 'Last Call', an invitation to communities inside and outside W3C to confirm the technical soundness of the specification; the W3C developed a comprehensive test suite to achieve broad interoperability for the full specification by 2014, the target date for recommendation. In January 2011, the WHATWG renamed.The W3C continued its project to release HTML 5.

In July 2012, WHATWG and W3C decided on a degree of separation. W3C will continue the HTML 5 specification work, focusing on a single definitive standard, considered as a 'snapshot' by WHATWG; the WHATWG organization continues its work with HTML 5 as a 'living standard'.

The concept of a living standar.

I've been happily programming in vb6 and vb.net and C# for many years, but the world is changing and these programs won't run on Macs or Linux or Android. Or even some Windows computers! What program should I use?Please hit me with some suggestions!I like to whip up a program in 60 seconds using Chipmunk BASIC. This language is transferable through several platforms.

Many of the new Telescope Systems Design programs are written in this language and remain compatible with the Propeller chip. Humanoido,I don't understand. The program in the Propeller is written in some languuage, say Spin, the Program on the PC is written in some other language, say Chipmunk BASIC.Neither language has statements in common with the other, or at least they need not have.Yet they can communicate over the serial line. In fact neither one of them needs to know what language is in use on the other end of the line.Why?

Because the language they do share is the protocol on the serial line. Which is different from either one of them. Generally that protocol is implemented in programs in each language, it is not part of the language itself. Swap Spin for C on the Prop or swap BASIC for Ada on the PC, make no difference.

Plain text is the universal interoperability today.I suppose this invokes compatible as a definition. If we take that to just mean 'runs on a Prop' then language gaps do equal 'not compatible', if that means data being exchanged and acted upon, then the language of implementation isn't significant.How that applies depends on the context and result desired.I consider my PC and Propeller compatible, because I can generate data on each that is useful on the other. The same is true for that old Apple 2 computer and it is text over serial and the ability to act on that which ties things together. There are language alignments too. I'd consider anything that installs with the language to be 'standard' library for example purposes.I know what you mean but there is no such thing as 'installing the language'. One can install compilers for languages.If I install Roy Elham's open source Spin compiler I don't get any such libraries. So my 'Hello World' would have to include serial driver code.Although in fairness Roy does refer to 'Library files shipped with PropTool'Anyway, as an old timer, I think 'Hello world' programs for micro-controllers should only flash a LED as an output.

Ns Basic App Studio Serial Number

Ns Basic App Studio Serial Number

Android Studio

That is the traditional first check that you have wired things up correctly and your tool chain is working:).