Number To Activate Verizon Phone * 228


Hello everyone!We have some great comments going on here, but I did want to just make sure to clarify about the activation process for the iPhone 5. This website gives you all the possible methods of activating your new device. (1) You can plug the device into iTunes and follow the steps there. (2) You can follow the steps to perform the activation over the air if you are in a good service area (basically what.228 was). (3) There is also a method for wi-fi activation. All of these will fully activate your iPhone both with Apple and with Verizon Wireless.The previous number that you dialed (.228) is not applicable on 4G devices such as the iPhone 5. Now, the automated system that you call (877-807-4646) is to make sure that the terms and conditions of the contract extension has gone through and make the change over in our billing system.

Number To Activate Verizon Phone *228

You are able to call this number, before any of the previous activation steps outlined above, to make sure that if you were changing your data plan or adding insurance or a hotspot feature, that it does get added as was indicated in the original order. Then follow one of the other 3 types of activation to complete the process.I hope this helps to clarify the activation process and for any questions, Customer Service is at your service!Thanks!MichelleGVZWPlease follow us on Twitter @vzwsupport.