Auto Backlink Submitter Software

Read on.Dear Reader,SEO alone has made me rich. That's a fact!What about you? If you're like a lot of other frustrated marketers. You slave away at getting back links, but your site never ranks in google. Your back links even if they stick, aren't getting indexed by the search engines. Your traffic and sales from your SEO efforts are dismal(and getting worse every day). And Even Worse you've been forced to move to paid advertising that's sucking the dollars from your bank account faster than a hoover on steroids.Am I close?It's OK, it's not your fault.

My whole SEO plan used to suck. Big timeThen, due to a chance meeting with an old friend back from my blackhat days, all that changed. Overnight.First Page Rankings on Google For Highly Competitive 'Buying Keywords'I'd show more sites but I don't want people to try and reverse engineer them;)So as I was saying, In this short little meeting with Jason, I learned what the giants in the SEO industry do that 99% of ordinary marketers don't. And much to my surprise it wasn't even a big secret.looking back now it just seems like common sense.There's a good chance what I'm about to tell you may be the complete opposite of what other 'experts' have been telling you.

And there's a good chance that I may even get a few nasty looks.but so be it. If your site isnt on the first page of Google, it really Doesn't matter how hard you worked trying to get it Ranked.' The first day most internet marketers start in their business, they are taught to get backlinks to their website, and it will help them get ranked higher in GoogleAs you probably know - the more people are linking to your website.

The higher Google will rank you.So, if your competition is on page #1 in Google, and they have 2,700 links pointing at them.In theory, if you get 2,701 links pointing back at YOU,You will be ranked Ahead of them.Now, there are a few other things that the search engines take into consideration, but the majority of the weight is placed on the quality of the backlinks coming to your website.' Where are you going to get your 2,701 backlinks?' Most people are asked toWrite a ton of articles and spend hours submitting them to article directoriesSubmit their sites to various directoriesPost on forums like vBulletin and SMFComment on blogsBookmark their sites on various Social Bookmarking sitesDo link exchanges.Now I don't know about you - but that actually sounds WORSE than the work most people are coming online to try and avoid.But, you know what's worse?' All this used to work great before, but not any more'Don't believe me?

Auto Backlink Submitter Software

See for your self.This is a graph from for the traffic that getsGoogle's Panda update was on the 24th of Feb. Watch what's happened to ezinearticle's ranking and its traffic since then. Its down 25% since the update!Still think article submissions are gonna work?No Frickin Way!'

Google has wizened up and is discounting links from the usual suspects'I mean face it, every SEO course out there teaches you the same techniques like social bookmarking, article submission, blog commenting etc.These same sites are getting spammed by hundreds and thousands of folk who buy the same SEO courses and SEO software.Using the same techniques that are used by every Joe and his brother makes your site stick out like a hotdog at a hamburger party.The result?

. Dear Fellow Webmaster,. Welcome to a new superior Directory Submitter v4.0.

Now loaded with 5000 Directories without any dead links. 80% of the directories listed are free submission up to PR 7. Submit your websites to hundreds of SEO friendly web directories. Free software updates & monthly New Directory Updates for life. A One-time fee for any amount of websites.

No extra charges for each website. Generating traffic is the hardest part of running a website and directory submission software can dramatically increase links to your website, and should be a part of every SEO program. Feature #1Search Engine Directories Submit to 100 major search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, YandexGet indexed first. Our manual submitter will submit to search engines out there and you will be sure that the submissions had been done. We suggest manual submission of your site’s pages to Google, Yahoo!

And Bing because they have made it apparent that it is what they prefer. The search engines have implemented manual submission as a best practice to protect themselves from extreme levels of spam.