Rheem Air Conditioning Serial Numbers

It is important that the type of equipment in your home is properly matched to its square footage as well as other relevant factors. A from a certified, independent Rheem Pro will evaluate various aspects of your home for an energy efficient match such as:. Climate that you live in. Size, shape and orientation of your home.

Rheem Air Conditioning Serial Numbers 7

Square footage. Type and how much insulation you have. Quantity of windows, their size, type and the direction they face. Measurement of walls. Vents and ductwork.

Seals and estimate air leakage. Type of materials your house is made ofAll of these factors will help your dealer find a system that will work for your home and provide energy efficient savings. No, they are not. The consortium of manufactures agreed on flame arrestor plate technology to create the new generation of FVIR water heaters. Early in the development, Rheem researchers at their Montgomery labs discovered that flame arrestor plate designs might be vulnerable to the effects of lint, dust and oil (LDO). Rheem urged the ANSI standards be reviewed.

As a result, the ANSI standard now includes testing for reliability in LDO environments. Throughout development, Rheem engineers have been highly attentive to the role LDO robustness will play on product reliability and consumer satisfaction. In order to effectively reduce home appliance energy use, conserve more natural resources and generate significant energy cost savings for homeowners, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), as part of the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act (NAECA), periodically requires higher energy efficiencies on almost all residential gas, electric, oil and tankless gas water heaters. In 2015, new efficiency standards were enacted that required many manufacturers to increase the size of their water heaters. Several Rheem water heaters already fit within the new NAECA standards, and others were made compliant without significantly increasing their size.

The result is that many Rheem water heaters are up to 2″ smaller than competitive models. Rheem Tankless Features. Continuous hot water. High energy efficiency. Compact, space saving design. Electronically controlled. Exclusive sensing burner technology.

Exclusive film wrap overheat protection. Digital thermostat with self diagnostic program. Precise temperature control. Consistent hot water supply temperature. No hot water storage.

Low Operating Costs. Low NOx emissions – all models.

Rheem Air Conditioning Phone Number

Rheem Air Conditioning Serial Numbers

Indoor or outdoor models available. Two High altitude options: upto 6,560 or 9,840 ft. Elevations.Rheem Tank Features. Low first cost.

Low venting cost. No electricity required. Large variety of sizes available. Flow rates of 12gpm and up. High altitude installations to 10,000 ft. Low NOx emissions – some models. ONLINE BUYER BEWARE!!

Heating & Cooling products are unlike most products for sale on the Internet. A trained professional should always review the unique requirements of your structure to ensure proper equipment selection and safe, efficient installation. Even the most skilled Do-It-Yourselfers should not attempt to install Heating & Cooling products. Consumers should never install heating and cooling products themselves. A professional Heating & Cooling Contractor should always be involved in job-site inspection, product selection, and installation.

There are many online sales companies that engage in the dangerous and deceptive practice of selling Heating & Cooling equipment directly to Consumers bypassing the expertise of trained, professional Contractors. These unscrupulous companies advertise “Savings By Cutting Out the Middle Man by Buying Direct”. There is no short cut to a safe, quality, professional Heating & Cooling installation that conforms to local building codes, meets manufacturer specifications, performs at peak efficiency, and operates safely. Prior to purchasing Heating & Cooling equipment, a local professional Heating & Cooling Contractor should visit your home in person, evaluate your structure, assess your current Heating & Cooling system, review your family’s air quality requirements, and submit a written proposal that specifies his professional recommendation of appropriate equipment options before you decide on what type of system you should buy. A Heating & Cooling system that’s too small won’t keep your home comfortable and one that is oversized will not maintain acceptable humidity levels or be efficient. Oversized systems cycle (turn on and off) more than necessary; this cycling wastes precious, expensive energy; puts undue strain on components like compressors; and often reduces the expected life of the system. A professional Contractor will determine the optimal size of Heating & Cooling equipment for your home by making a careful study of your cooling requirements by performing a heating and cooling Load Calculation of your structure.

Rheem hvac age by serial number

A Load Calculation is a scientific process that uses industry-standards that take into account the number of windows and doors in your home, window dimensions, and average number of hours of sun exposure. Subtleties like shade trees and shrubbery in your yard, open floor space, the R-value of wall, floor, and roof insulation, local climate patterns, the design and condition of your current central duct system, number of heat-generating appliances, the type of interior furnishings, number of fireplaces, and many other factors effect in unique ways the heating and cooling requirements of every Heating & Cooling system. Only an in-person home visit by a trained Heating & Cooling professional contractor can ensure that you buy the right equipment that your home requires to be safe and efficient for a long time. Consider the following:. Reputation – Ask for a list of customers and check references. A call to the Better Business Bureau is worthwhile.

Contractors who are members of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America, the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association, and other similar professional contractor groups most likely have a commitment to professional standards and ethical business practices. Check with the Rheem Wholesale Distributor in your area for names of dependable, reputable contractors. Credentials –Ask about required certifications. Many states, provinces, cities, and towns require Heating & Cooling contractors to be licensed; check local requirements and be sure your contractor meets the required standards. Ask about recent training received; new and long-tenured contracting businesses regularly invest in professional Heating & Cooling technical training to stay current.

North American Technician Excellence (NATE) certification is the Heating & Cooling industry’s leading authority for technical certification of Heating & Cooling technicians; the industry’s best contractors have some level of NATE certification and proudly display their credentials on their websites and in their advertising. To learn more about NATE certification, please visit www.natex.org or call 1-877-420-NATE.

Commitment – Look for a dealer you see as active, present and involved in your local community. You want a local contractor who is close by, who cares about your needs, who has a commitment to your community, and is able to provide fast, dependable, convenient service when you and your family need it.

Look for a contractor who will be there in your hometown tomorrow to help you maintain and service what you purchase today.