Abit Airpace Driver Windows 7 64 Bit

IntroductionWPF offers a modern approach for building Windows applications, but it builds directly on Win32 – the traditional UI infrastructure in Windows. Because Win32 was developed in an era where CPU/GPU horsepower was much more limited than it is today, it utilizes a number of optimizations for rendering. These include using the, tracking invalid regions for minimal updates, copying pixels around the screen to avoid unnecessary repainting, extensive clipping to avoid overdraw, limited support for alpha blending, and other such restrictions. Most of these optimizations were built for GDI, the standard rendering technology in Windows for many years. DirectX is an entirely different rendering technology, originally intended for PC gaming on Windows, but recently finding more of a presence in desktop applications (consider IE9, for example).

DirectX provides access to the power of modern GPUs, and WPF embraced this technology – rather than GDI - in order to build the kind of rich composition framework we envisioned. As a consequence, WPF developed its own transformation, clipping, and composition implementation which is completely different than what Win32 implements.In Win32, a “window” is the basic unit of user-interface composition. Programmatically, a window is referenced by its handle, or HWND. Windows come in two major flavors: top-level windows and child windows. Top-level windows are what you normally interact with, they float on the desktop and usually have the standard minimize/maximize/restore/close buttons, a title bar, etc. This is the primary scenario for WPF; where it is the exclusive content of the client area of a top-level window, which is what you get when you create a WPF Window object. On the other hand, child windows are a unit of composition for user-interface components within a top-level window.

Child windows can be incredibly useful; they can run on different threads (or even processes), they can have their own state, they can respond to special messages, etc. A number of technologies build on child windows, such as ActiveX, so incorporating them into your WPF application is a common requirement. To properly include a child window in a WPF element tree you must derive from HwndHost and implement the logic to construct and destroy the child window, as well as hooking up keyboard processing and handling any special messages. While WPF does not use child windows for most of its user-interface elements because we have our own element tree, there are some exceptions; the WebBrowser control is probably the most widely known example of a WPF control that is actually a hosted child window. WPF also includes support for hosting Windows Forms components, which are implemented with child windows.You can even embed WPF content within a child window by directly creating an HwndSource instance. This is a powerful technique that we will be exploring more in this article, and it is often used in scenarios where WPF is used to develop a plugin for another application. A note of caution: child windows have a number of exotic settings that WPF does not support well; such as tinkering with child/sibling clips or composited painting.The kind of rich user-interface presentation that is enabled by WPF is possible in large part by the way we uniformly compose the element tree.

Composition is what allows WPF to render elements in interesting ways: clipped against opacity masks, distorted via transforms, blended with effects like transparency, processed through pixel shaders, redirected through brushes, projecting onto 3D objects, etc. But due to the limitations of how child windows were designed to work, composing them is notoriously difficult. Indeed, when WPF hosts a child window, we skip the composition all together and simply position it over its layout slot and then let it do its own thing. As you might imagine, without composition many problems can be observed: missing content, incorrect clipping, lack of transparency, z-order issues, etc. We refer to these issues as “airspace” problems – a term coined by.In some instances, you may also encounter strange rendering artifacts on the screen; particularly when moving a child window around. These rendering artifacts are often due to conflicts between GDI and DirectX, along with some limitations or bugs in the DWM.This article discusses in some detail all of these issues, and explores some ways of mitigating them.

Airspace ProblemsThe most common complaint related to airspace problems we hear about concerns clipping. To be visible on screen, a WPF element tree is always associated with some window; typically a top-level window but it could also be a child window. WPF composes the element tree and renders to that window. Child windows always render on top of, and are always clipped to the bounds of, their parent window.

Recall that when hosting a child window within an element tree, all WPF will do is position the child window over its layout slot. It is important to realize the WPF is not rendering the child window. The child window is rendering itself – or, more accurately, the child window is painting to a GDI device context associated with its window without coordinating through WPF. So even though an HwndHost appears to be an element that can be interleaved with other elements in the element tree, the hosted child window is actually placed on top of anything WPF renders.

This results in predictable problems: the child window is not clipped by containers like scroll-viewers, and nothing can render over them, not even adorners.In fact, there is no good way for WPF to render over of a child window. Some people have experimented with relaxing the clipping behavior of Win32, but this causes much worse problems. It is better to play nicely with Win32 clipping rules, which is why WPF enforces WSCLIPSIBLINGS and WSCLIPCHILDREN.Since a child window is painting itself, and is not rendered by WPF, it should be clear that WPF doesn’t have access to the contents of the window.

For example, if you use a VisualBrush to render an element tree, the contents of any hosted child window will simply be missing. Another example is that you can’t apply a ShaderEffect to a hosted child window because the contents of the window are not actually available to WPF for processing.Another common symptom people notice is that even simple things like transparency don’t work either. This is because the Win32 painting model doesn’t generally support transparency, so the child window that is placed on top of the WPF content, has no way to paint itself with partially transparent pixels. Using styles like WSEXTRANSPARENT don’t work for reasons that will be discussed later.A final nuance is that a hosted child window is created when the HwndHost element detects that it is plugged into an HwndSource. If an HwndHost element is removed from one element tree and then added to another, the hosted child window will be reparented to be within the destination HwndSource parent window. As a consequence, the z-order is reset to the bottom.

In addition, while setting the ZIndex property will cause WPF panels to render their children in a different order, the HwndHost will not adjust the corresponding z-order of its hosted child window. Not that it would matter relative to the WPF content it is floating over, but the z-order gets out of sync even relative to other hosted windows. Render Thread ConsiderationsWPF uses a somewhat novel technique of splitting the user-interface responsibilities between a traditional user-interface thread and a dedicated render thread. The user interface thread (or threads, as there can be more than one) is responsible for processing user input and updating the element tree.

The render thread is responsible for rasterizing the vector graphics described by the element tree and updating the display. This design even allows the render thread to be in a separate process, even a process on on another machine. This was the infrastructure that allowed WPF to support high-fidelity zooming on Vista that preserved the sharp vector graphics, and the efficient performance over remote-desktop connections that really improved the experience compared to bitmap-based remoting. Unfortunately, this design required the various OS remoting components to be updated in sync with the WPF releases, and this eventually proved untenable and the features were disabled in.Another goal of this design was to allow a degree of independence for rendering tasks so that they wouldn’t be blocked by stalls on the user-interface thread. The obvious scenario is “independent animations” that the user interface could start and then forget about, and they would animate on the render thread, free from any glitches or stuttering due to processing on the user interface thread. This would be ideal for transitions, which typically involve a lot of work on the user interface thread to load in new content.

Unfortunately, WPF never got to complete the feature work required for independent animations. In fact, the only real benefit from the separate render thread is a certain amount of parallelism and that the MediaElement can render frames independent of the user interface thread once playback is started. More recent incarnations of XAML platforms have better support for independent animations, such as.Unfortunately, this design has its own problems too. The render data needs to be duplicated for both the user-interface and render threads, and updates have to be sent and received, and object lifetimes have to be carefully coordinated.

This increases both the CPU and memory costs associated with heavy graphics content. WPF has implemented a number of optimizations for efficient partial updates, but there is still significant room for improvement. Another problem is that there are some situations where the user-interface thread is expected to synchronously complete a rendering operation. Two prominent examples are PrintWindow and bottom-to-top painting. PrintWindow redirects the device context for the window and sends a WMPAINT to the window, the window is expected to paint its contents to the redirected device context, and when the window proc returns from handling WMPAINT, the window is restored to its original state.

Gathers vxd 055c manual dexterity 2. PrintWindow is unreliable when used on a window with WPF content because the user-interface thread does not actually paint, so the content is missing. Bottom-to-top painting is configured by specifying the WSEXTRANSPARENT style on a child window. When this style is present, Win32 will paint the siblings beneath the window first, and then paint the window. This allows the child window to selectively let that content show through, though it can be to implement well.

But because WPF doesn’t paint of the user-interface thread, the contents of our window are not reliably available for any sibling over us to use. There is also the unusual WSEXCOMPOSITED style that doesn’t work with WPF content either.Finally, there are times when the user-interface thread needs to copy bits from the screen and this is problematic with WPF. An example is when moving a child window without the SWPNOCOPYBITS flag (note the double negative; this means moving a window with copying bits). To avoid unnecessarily repainting a window when it moves, Win32 will copy the existing content of the window from its old location to its new location, and only repaint what is left behind. But since the old contents that GDI is trying to copy might be updated at anytime by the separate render thread via DirectX, the necessary coordination is missing, and sometimes. Another example is when a top-level window over a WPF window has the CSSAVEBITS style. With this style, Win32 will copy the bits before it displays the window and then put the bits back when the window is hidden.

Menus and message boxes are the typical windows with this style. As Raymond Chen, Win32 tries to detect when something makes the saved bits invalid and will fall back to just repainting the background. But WPF’s separate rendering thread using DirectX can go undetected, so Win32 may.The splitting of user-interface processing and rendering across separate threads is unusual in Win32 applications, and doubtless the source of many subtle bugs. If integrating child windows into your WPF application is a primary concern, I strongly recommend disabling WPF hardware acceleration. By disabling hardware acceleration, WPF will render using GDI. This eliminates many issues because GDI can coordinate correctly even from multiple threads. If disabling hardware acceleration is not an option, we will review some mitigations that work around most of the rendering artifacts I know of.

Unfortunately these mitigations are not always trivial. DWM ConsiderationsOriginally, painting operations for a window were clipped to the visible region of that window and then allowed to update the video memory of the screen directly. This was very efficient, but rules out such effects as transparency and can lead to lagging visual artifacts as updates to the screen were gated by the responsiveness of applications.Windows 2000/XP introduced via the WSEXLAYERED style.

For layered windows, the operating system retains a bitmap of the contents of the window and can compose it on the screen as needed, without waiting for the application to respond, and can apply effects like transparency. The contents of this bitmap can either be provided by the application directly, or can be filled by “redirecting” the traditional painting operations for the window. Controls the appearance of windows with redirected content; but it is restricted to simple effects like constant transparency or a color key. Applications that can provide their own bitmap, rather than using redirection, can use instead. This API can accept a bitmap with a per-pixel alpha channel, so this is the API that WPF uses when you set the property to true. Note that this kind of layered window only displays the contents of the bitmap that the application explicitly provides; nothing drawn via GDI or DirectX to a device context for this window or any child windows is shown. This is the root cause of the problem where the WPF.Redirected layered windows provide “output redirection”; where the operating system redirects the output of rendering operations normally destined for the screen into a bitmap; which allows it the flexibility to compose the bitmap in various ways.

However, if the composition is non-trivial, the operating system must also provide some kind of “input redirection” where messages and APIs related to the input coming into an application accounts for the composition effects. It is also important that APIs related to location, size, and coordinate transforms also account for the composition. So far, the operating system doesn’t compose layered windows in a way that would require input redirection.Windows Vista introduced the Desktop Window Manager which redirects all top-level windows (that aren’t already layered) and then composes the contents of all of the windows onto the desktop.

DWM is capable of composing the window contents in more interesting ways than XP was able to; the feature is probably the most dramatic - but note that it disables input to the windows and so it does not need to worry about input redirection. The DWM can also to accommodate higher DPI settings; but this is a simple scale transform and required only modest updates to input processing coordinate transform APIs. The redirection services of the DWM remained limited to top-level windows.Difficulties are encountered on Vista if both GDI and DirectX are rendering to the same window. Vista handles this scenario in the DWM by maintaining separate surfaces for the GDI and DirectX content. This mode is called “Vista Blt”, and the DWM chooses what to which to display on the screen based on a heuristic as to which rendered last.

The DWM will present from one or the other, or it may even display some content from both. Windows 7 introduced a better mode called “Device Bitmaps”, which allow both GDI and DirectX to be captured into the same backing surface. Unfortunately, Device Bitmaps are not compatible with all APIs and will be disabled if those APIs are called (the primary example is, and it has its own.Windows 8 introduces Direct Composition, which extends the redirection and composition services of the DWM to.

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This is a major development, and finally enables. Unfortunately, Direct Composition still uses the DWM as an external compositor, rather than being intimately integrated with the application. In other words, you configure what you want and the DWM composes it for you.

This precludes certain kinds of composition effects, such as texturing a child window around a 3D model within your application or processing it through a pixel shader. It is also worth mentioning that even though Direct Composition allows for composition effects that tear away from the input and coordinate APIs, there is still no support for input redirection.In the past you could disable the DWM if it didn’t support a particular scenario very well; though that was rarely a good idea. However, starting with Windows 8, the DWM can no longer be disabled.

RedirectionAs perhaps hinted at above, the ideal solution to these problems would be to let application frameworks like WPF compose the contents of child windows themselves. This kind of “internal” compositor would enable far richer composition effects. However, “input redirection” must also be provided for any such composition system to be used for more than passive “transitions”.When developing WPF 4.5, we decided to take on the challenge of implementing a complete redirection solution so that WPF applications could compose the contents of child windows as naturally as any other kind of content.

We explored many techniques, but finally settled on using some form of API interception to shim the problematic GDI, DirectX, and Win32 APIs. We settled on, because it is a very robust and complete interception library developed here at Microsoft. It is important to note that this is an in-process library, nothing we did had impact outside of the WPF process that opted into this new feature.Output redirection for DirectX was pretty straight forward. DirectX is a great API in this regard because all rendering operations effectively occur off-screen until a final swap-chain (or device) “present” is invoked. Our basic technique was to intercept this present call and implement it by copying the contents to another video surface; which we would then display in WPF via a. We did, however, have to support Direct3D 9, 10, 11, and potentially future versions too. This was only tenable because the DirectX team has had the foresight to refactor modern Direct3D APIs on top of and this is where the important present API exists.

But even with this refactoring, our code has to create intermediate surfaces and such which require a specific Direct3D version. Again, the DirectX team came through with the ability of DirectX 11 to emulate the device state of previous versions. The remaining complexity was in handling all possible surface formats and usage restrictions. We also had a hard time handling D3DSWAPEFFECTFLIPEX, and eventually just stripped that flag when creating swap chains.Output redirection for GDI was more involved.

GDI has a large API surface area, and GDI does not have the equivalent of “present”. Instead, GDI rendering APIs take effect whenever the driver decides to flush the command stream.

We ended up intercepting 200+ GDI functions, and replaying them to an offscreen DC. The vast majority of these interception shims were mechanically generated by a tool based on whether they read state, set state, or actually rendered to the device context.

The hardest challenge was dealing with clipping. We needed to mirror some (but not all) of the clipping state from the real device context onto our redirected device context.

Some of the clipping state is set deep inside the operating system, so detecting when the clips were changed was beyond the reach of our interception library. Other clipping state needed to be excluded, such as when a child window is partially outside the bounds of its parent, but composed such that those regions are visible. In such cases we have to somehow get WMPAINT and related messages to still be generated. Clipping too much is clearly a problem, but so is clipping too little.

We eventually developed our own extensive clipping model for redirected windows that tried to emulate what Win32 did internally, but this was a continuous source of bugs.Input redirection posed another difficult challenge. Any input device that depends on the location of elements to direct the input stream needs to take the composition effects into account. WPF has already been plumbed for this, of course, since our elements have always been fully composed our input events are routed appropriately. But Win32 stubbornly considers windows to be rectangles that are rigidly aligned with the horizontal and vertical axes.


This restriction is baked deep into the kernel where the window tree data structures are kept. The kernel takes raw input from devices like the mouse and performs an initial hit test to decide where the input should go. Since our solution was in-proc only, we have to retain the restriction that our top-level window obeys these rules. (Note that with layered windows, WPF can render any shape, and this allows us the apparent freedom to do things like rotate our top-level window. To see this is action, rotate a ComboBox and the drop down the list.)The kernel will deliver “pointer” input to the thread queue that owns the window (including child windows) it thinks is under the mouse. The thread that owns the queue will eventually pick up that input and perform the hit-test processing again and then deliver the appropriate messages, update state, etc. We have to play by those rules, but still find some way to appropriately handle composited child windows.

We explored two basic approaches: prevent the kernel from finding any composited child windows, or make sure the kernel finds the correct composited window.Child windows can be hidden from the kernel’s input processing in a variety of ways, but specifying the WSEXTRANSPARENT style or disabling the window is the easiest. The kernel will find the top-level window and deliver the input to that queue. From there we could perform our own hit testing to find the appropriate child window, and generate our own window messages to send it.

The hardest challenge with this technique is sending all of the correct messages, with the correct payload, in the correct order, at the correct times, and somehow updating all of the correct global state. By the time you are done, you would have effectively reverse engineered a significant portion of Win32!

Further, since child windows can be running in other threads and processes, we would have to synchronize messages and state across these boundaries. We soon decided that this would be too difficult.Our other option was to ensure that the kernel finds the child window that we know is the right one. This technique is to eagerly perform a hit-test ourselves, and then move the appropriate window under the mouse position so that the kernel will find it. All of the messages and state are then handled normally by Win32, including across thread and process boundaries. For example, say that we hit-test the mouse position through the element tree - taking into account all composition effects - and determine that the lower-right corner of a child window is what is found. We would then align the entire window hierarchy so that the appropriate child window’s lower-right corner is what the kernel will find when it hit-tests the mouse coordinate.

We needed to do this alignment before the kernel does, so we chose a mouse hook. We started with a low-level mouse hook, because those are pretty easy and they are invoked early enough. But low-level mouse hooks will block the kernel until the application responds. So if your app is busy, mouse processing for everyone is stalled. A common example of this for developers, is when you are debugging your application, the mouse would stop working!

That is unacceptable, so we changed to using a regular mouse hook. This kind of mouse hook is invoked before the thread further handles the mouse input that the kernel gave it. It turns out this this is sufficient, because Win32 will correctly adapt to changes in the window tree between when the kernel posted the input to the queue and when the queue was processed by the thread. So as long as the kernel finds some window belonging to our thread so it can deliver the input to our queue for further processing. Now an unresponsive application will only stall input processing for itself.

There are lots of details to sort out, but this technique worked pretty well. The major restriction of this technique is that we cannot support any kind of multi-touch, because a window cannot be in two places at the same time. We decided to accept this limitation for composing child windows, and hope that new multi-touch controls would be written in pure WPF.Layered windows (recall that WPF uses the type of layered window where we provide the bitmap of the contents ourselves) remained a problem. Even though we could redirect the output from child windows within, the OS refused to deliver paint messages to them, so they would simply never bother to paint. Content like videos would work fine because they typically initiate their own painting instead of waiting for a WMPAINT message.

We explored a couple of options, including sending our own fake paint messages, or hosting those child windows in their own invisible top-level system-redirected layered windows, but composing their contents in our window. Finaly some useful information and workarounds for the old WPG airspace problem. I hope Microsoft invests more in WPF and good UI-tools and we (real application developers) are not overrun by this modern and hyped html5/css/javascript. Compound used to make stupid fancy little apps. The market is not only the tablet/phone area, there are people working full day on computers and they need good, fast and rich software.But as always it is a battle between marketing/engineering or programers/scripters/designers.Keep up the good work!. Dear Dwayne,We have some issue on and Appling Adorner on top of WebBrowser component.We are developing WPF GUI Editor.


In that we are using all WPF controls, Shapes and even third party components. When ever dropping these components on Canvas we are Appling rectangle adorner on top of the components. But in case of WebBrowser component adorner is not placed on top of it and it is third party component.Could you please suggest me which approach will help me in this scenario?Thanks in advance for your help. Hi Dwayne,This is a great article about the airspace problem. I currently try to use the 2010 Reportviewer control in a WPF Layout which is scrollable. The airspacedecorator seems to solve most of the problem, but there may be a memoryleak ( the Bitmaps seem to be cleaned up too late ( my ui is dynamic ). I also have a Problem when using the application in a mstsc session ( the Buttons for paging / printing are dead while being used in mstsc).

When I log in to the win 7 directly ( same instance of the application ) The Buttons can be used. Thank you very much for any hint how to solve this.

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