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Where do the downloads go to in Nokia lumia 520, I downloaded three email attachments, 1 picture, 1 notepad file and one word file but I can't find them in my phone, any idea, where there might be? Is there a downloads folder?Thanks in advance and I hope I explained my situation well:( if not then please feel free to ask for more information and I will try my best to explain a bit better!!well document saves in Documents folder in phone memory if u want to browse them then go to office and find it in 'recent' or 'documents in phone'. Try a file manager:Everything that I download from IE, UC Browser, Torrex Pro, etc.

I can find it except documents downloaded from the Office app (I have to download the docs in the OneDrive app, apparently Office's downloaded docs are just temporal).For seeing the docs downloaded from Outlook. Well, for pdf I use Adobe Acrobat to find them, for word, excel, etc docs I use Office. But yeah, right now downloading things from mail sucks, the app dont let you decide the location where you want to download the file and I really cant find them even connecting the phone to the PC.Last edited by Jeannuel; at 04:10 AM. I can tell you where the photos you try to download from an email attachment don't go: they don't go to SD card, one drive, photos, documents, phone, office or anywhere else accessible to mere mortals.

I went from having an open mind to absolutely HATING windows phones over this one issue. Oh and my Lumia camera can't take a selfie so if you're say, holding your grandson who fell asleep on your shoulder and want to send a pic to someone you have to turn the phone around so that you can't see what you're actually taking a pic of and you have to guess where on the screen the 'button' is. Fec pos drivers. This is really unacceptable.Microsoft, you deserve to have your butts kicked by apple and android. You suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can tell you where the photos you try to download from an email attachment don't go: they don't go to SD card, one drive, photos, documents, phone, office or anywhere else accessible to mere mortals.

I went from having an open mind to absolutely HATING windows phones over this one issue. Oh and my Lumia camera can't take a selfie so if you're say, holding your grandson who fell asleep on your shoulder and want to send a pic to someone you have to turn the phone around so that you can't see what you're actually taking a pic of and you have to guess where on the screen the 'button' is. This is really unacceptable.Microsoft, you deserve to have your butts kicked by apple and android.


You suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!There really isn't anything wrong with Windows Phones. You just happened to buy one that did not have a front-facing camera.

That isn't a defect in the device. Many Windows Phones have great front-facing cameras. One cannot blame the device if a customer fails to do his/her research prior to buying a device. I can tell you where the photos you try to download from an email attachment don't go: they don't go to SD card, one drive, photos, documents, phone, office or anywhere else accessible to mere mortals. I went from having an open mind to absolutely HATING windows phones over this one issue. Oh and my Lumia camera can't take a selfie so if you're say, holding your grandson who fell asleep on your shoulder and want to send a pic to someone you have to turn the phone around so that you can't see what you're actually taking a pic of and you have to guess where on the screen the 'button' is.

This is really unacceptable.Microsoft, you deserve to have your butts kicked by apple and android. You suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!All you have to do is use the Lumia Selfie app. It detects your face and beeps when you are in focus and then takes the photo by itself. Really quite simple. I'm no computer geek.started using windows phone two days ago.

Phoneky windows phone apps

I was facing the same problem.couldn't copy files i have downloaded via opera mini to my pc because they were no where to be found. But i found a way around it. Don't know if it would work for you. When you tap and hold the file you downloaded on the opera mini Downloads window, and option menu appears. The last of which is the 'move' option. You can tap on it to move the file to any of the folders on your phone.

Wattpad Download For Nokia Lumia 620 Price


You can later connect to you pc and copy the files. It works for even unsupported files. I have downloaded some files using Opera Mini browser.

I can open them in the application but would like to transfer them to my pc, how do I find them, all the file manager apps I have tried only show Documents, Videos, Pictures, Downloads (and they're not there) etc. Is there a file manager you recommend?I'm no computer geek.started using windows phone two days ago.

I was facing the same problem.couldn't copy files i have downloaded via opera mini to my pc because they were no where to be found. But i found a way around it. Don't know if it would work for you.

When you tap and hold the file you downloaded on the opera mini Downloads window, and option menu appears. The last of which is the 'move' option. You can tap on it to move the file to any of the folders on your phone. You can later connect to you pc and copy the files. It works for even unsupported files.